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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 10, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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i ran my first marathon and plan on thaoeft two a year until -- plan on at least two a year until i tkao. thanks to everyone who responded. >> have a great day, folks. "fox & friends" starts now. >>gretchen: good morning. it's wednesday, april 20, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. did you know it's national sibling day. send us your photos. we're going to be talking to some our siblings. >> a north korean missile launch imminent according to a report from south korea. they are telling tourists to take cover. now word that we've been having secret meetings all along. we'll try to tell you what's going on. >>steve: you can't tour the white house. they canceled the tours. but you can pay for a party there. of course celebrities are the only ones invited. we'll tell you about what went down last night. >>brian: she thought rehab was bad.
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try facing david letterman. >> what are they going to work on when you walk through the door? what is on their list? >> we didn't discuss this in the pre-interview. >>brian: that awkward late-nightent view that had lindsay lohan squirming in her seat. what did she expect when she said dave, i'll come. "fox & friends" starts now. >>steve: i thought it was going to be a nice little interview. i didn't know you would ask why i've been in the news for the last three years. >>brian: charlie sheen will be walking you down the red carpet when you're in scare wraoe movie 111. >>steve: that you for joining us today. we've been talking about this. after weeks of threats, north korea could be ready to launch a missile today. a top south korean official saying a missile test fire
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is imminent. >>gretchen: u.s. intelligence believes the north completed prep for that missile test and this are fears it may come as early as today. >>brian: the president of the foundation of defense of democracy joins us now. cliff, we've been through perilous times with north korea already. what is different about this? >> not a lot. the technology has been ratcheting up. you've got kim jong un, the third in the dynastic line that goes back to the korean war. he is a young guy, 29 years old, the new dictator. he wants to show what he's made of, wants to show he can make fools out of the americans and japanese as his father and grandfather did. >>steve: the standing of the united states over the last couple of years, our standing has kind of gone down on the world stage. now is his big chance to try something stupid, isn't
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it? >> yeah. i think he may want to do that. in 2010 what his father did was hit a south korean ship and killed 46 sailors. he shelled an island, fishing village on an island, killed four people. paid no price for it. he likes to show he can do terrible things and not only not pay a price for it but get rewards for this kaoeupbgd thing. this dynasty has been making fools of american presidents for a long period of time. they say give me this and promises not fulfilled and they are proliferating technology around the world not least to iran their longtime nuclear partner. >>gretchen: what do you make of the fact that there may have been talks going on all along? obviously the united states is not sitting there silent. we wouldn't expect that. but what do you think is going on? >> when you talk to the north koreans, it is pretty difficult. i don't know exactly, but they make their demands. they promise various things dough -- they don't int-pbd
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to fulfill. we have to recognize we haven't been successful for a very long time with the north koreans. i think it is time for various things to happen. the chinese need to understand this is your baby. you take care of it. we're giving no aid and no trade. the europeans need to cut that off as well. the south koreans need to give up on aiding and trading with north korea. it is going to be rough. we should want this regime to fall finally. it is among one of the most oppressive regimes in the world. something like 200,000 north koreans are living in population camps. a big portion is chronically malnourished. most people don't have electricity, can't turn on a light. it is not just this ankle biter regime in north korea. they have been partners with the iranians. >>brian: the main thing is today their action, sending off a rocket, it
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seems like everything is in place for action today and our response is what everyone is thinking about. cliff, thanks for joining us this morning. >>gretchen: brand-new video in to "fox & friends," the american parents accused of kidnapping their own kids and sailing off to cuba, they are back in tampa around 3 this morning. their two sons also on the flight. the hawkins were tossed in jail. the children back with their grandparents. parents lost custody after police found them in a hotel with the boys surrounded by weapons and drugs. >> right now we're looking forward, getting them in our arms and hugging them and being with them and getting them home where they'll be safe again. >>gretchen: the family dog was also taken to cuba. authorities gave it to the boys once they landed in florida. >> yesterday there was a
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box cutter style knife carried around campus by a 20-year-old. he was arrested but it could have been worse if he wasn't stopped by a classmate. >> i put him on the ground and asked him why? why did you stab these people? he didn't answer because we knocked his hearing aid out. >>gretchen: quick reportedly told cops he planned the rampage for a long time and fantasized about stabbing people for years. this morning two people remain in critical condition. in a few hours jana winter, the fox news reporter facing jail time, will head to court amid a judge's ruling about whether she should testify in court. her story revealed before james holmes shot up a movie theater in colorado, he sent a package to a psychiatrist. the judge has to decide whether the notebook will
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be allowed as evidence in the trial. today we'll hear from an officer who had contacts with that notebook. >> someone who doesn't give lindsay lohan a pass. last night david letterman grilled the actress about her stint in rehab. >> what are they rehabbing, first of all? what is on their list? what are they going to work on when you walk through the door? >> we didn't discuss this in the pre-interview. >> do you have addiction problems. >> do you have alcohol? do you drink too much? >> we discussed this already. >> really? i'm the one having the blackouts. >>gretchen: lohan facing a 90 day stay as part of a plea deal in a traffic accident case. those are your headlines. >>brian: everybody knows she is a train wreck.
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she's got to get to rehab right away. hopefully this will push her in there. >>steve: he always asks the questions people want to know. the president of the united states -- did you hear this? the blue angels, their shows for the rest of the year have been canceled by the navy. famously we have told you about how the white house tours are closed to all of us, the public. however, if you're a hollywood big shot, you might have gotten an invitation because last night there in the east room of the white house, they taped in performance at the white house memphis soul. it is going to run on pbs next week. there is justin timberlake. he's bringing sequester back. >>brian: or he's ignoring sequester. they were able to do this at taxpayers' expense. they had to bring in secret service to work overtime. that is going to cost us some money. just imagine the security that has to surround celebrities. queen latifah was there, al green to name a few.
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the party went late into the night. i'm sure it was entertaining. i'm sure it was fun. you think about the president trying to have -- if optics matter, and clearly they don't seem to, it seems as though the president is not understanding how that looks, especially to those people in the military who are told you can't fly, you can't train. people who are being furloughed -- like your chef being furloughed once a week. >>gretchen: or you can't try al qaeda's son-in-law in new york city because you don't have enough money as well. you could go on and on and on. in the meantime, a man who used to be part of the financial team of the president said we should be thankful the president decided to give $20,000 back to -- of his salary. >> it is getting better at a modest rate. it needs to be faster. where were you when the president gave back $20,000
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of his salary, gave back to the taxpayer? >> cry me a river. forget the $20,000. how about stop taking vacations? $180,000 air force one hour. you're on drugs. you can't be serious. >>steve: the $20,000 is the president giving back to the federal treasury which he could get a tax write off for if he chooses would essentially run air force for 20 minutes. it is a drop in the bucket. >>gretchen: it makes a good headline. >>steve: so little. >>gretchen: this administration is fantastic about simple messaging and headlines. when people hear he gave back part of his salary and that's what they hear throughout the day, that's
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what they hear. it would be nice to know how much the total bill was for everything. i bet if you juxtapose that against how much it would do have the start white house tours, i bet you could do weeks and weeks of white house tours to make up. >>brian: now they're allowing garden tours so we can see the vegetable garden if we go there. that will be great. >>steve: the president later today will officially unveil his budget, likely propose more than $3.5 trillion worth of government spending in the next year. we understand that apparently it would impose the buffett rule which would require wealthy families to pay at least 30% of income in taxes, although right now the wealthiest are up close to 40% right now. some of the other highlights: reduce future social security increases. not going to be a social security cut. it's simply going to be a decrease in the increase. >>brian: here's the deal,
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the president said i'm going to show you, america, that i am going to taken -- attack entitlements. i'm going to do it on medicare and social security. he is going to introduced chained c.p.i. which will no longer link inflation to the amount of money that you get. if inflation goes up, it is not going to affect your paycheck. it will be $130 billion over ten years and up to 339 during that time if you factor in everything. but you won't get the raise in age, which i thought was important. if you can get it up to 67 because we're living a lot longer than we used to -- >>gretchen: so i'm clear, there is no discussion about changing the age at which people will be able to -- because that was what he originally put on the table. ostensibly he put it on the table about two years when having discussion with republicans about the debt and when he assembled the debt commission. it is interesting that in this budget there is no
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discussion about lowering or putting up the age as to when you're entitled to receive it. >>brian: means testing will not be a part of it. if you don't need social security, you're going to get it. >>steve: the president has been in office over four years. why is he talking about taking a whack at entitlements? he wants to reach across with the republicans. he's going to have dinner with a dozen of them tonight. he wants to appear that he is essentially caving to some of their needs. remember, he also wants to create a bench more tax revenue -- create a bunch more tax revenue which the republicans are against. meantime he's got trouble from his left flank. were in the white house yesterday saying hey, mr. president, you can't cut social security. >>brian: at least the budget is there. let's start talking. good luck at dinner tonight. >>gretchen: msnbc launching a new campaign telling parents your kids aren't your responsibility alone. >> we have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or
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families and recognize kids belong to whole communities. >>gretchen: is the network trying to push the traditional family out of the picture? >>brian: with $17 trillion in debt, would you think the government would watch their money closer? stuart varney says no.
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overlapping and duplicative federal spending costing taxpayers an estimated $95 billion each year. >>brian: stuart varney is here. is there anything we can do to fix this? >> probably not. more government equals more bureaucracy. more government spending equals more departments that have to pass the money out. once you've got a program, you can't get rid of it. in other words, waste, duplication are with us for a long time to come. >>gretchen: i remember the president when he first took office saying one of his main goals was to be looking at this waste in these programs and that he would eliminate them. >> that's true. >>brian: line by line. >> go along with me for a second. how about six different military uniform design offices, 83 teacher quality programs. i've got a lot more than that one. how about 76 drug abuse prevention programs? i mean, 76 of them. my own personal favorite: three different catfish
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inspection programs. the list goes on. something else here. once you've got a program, how do you kill it? how do you kill a government program? because a congressman somewhere has skin in the game. that's going to put money to his or her district. they're going to fight for it. >>steve: in washington they've got to build a building. you've got a building, you've got to do something. it's not a case the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. in washington, d.c. it is like an octopus. there are a million different hands out there. >>brian: of the recommendations of the g.s.a. of the last couple of years, few have been acted. >> the government's budget i believe contains $25 billion worth of savings by eliminated some duplicative programs. do you think those savings will actually be realized? when that budget hits the floor of congress and they go through it, those congressmen will be saying you can't cut that.
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you can't do that. >>gretchen: it would seem when it's pointed out so easily for you and somebody has ton the work and produced all of this duplication that if you really wanted to cut spending, you would say let's enact some of these suggestions. >> that's a misunderstanding, a, of the nature of government which is always bureaucratic and always fights for its own turf. and, b, a misunderstanding, in my opinion of president obama's approach to spending. he does not really want to cut government spending. he sees government spending as the engine of growth. >>brian: stuart, we're going to hear more about that on "varney and company." >> cut me off. >>steve: you'll have a couple of hours on your show. stuart, thank you very much. >>brian: straight ahead, government reach hits a whole new level. left-leaning msnbc says kids don't belong to their families. they belong to the community. >>gretchen: watch where you sit because that chair
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>>brian: the american eagle pilot drunk before taking off officially charged now. his face is coborn christianson facing three misdemeanor charges. each could land him up to a year in jail. his blood alcohol more than double the legal limit. >> mtv reportedly pulling the plug on "buck wild" after the death of one of its stars, shain gandy.
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gretch? >>gretchen: msnbc under scrutiny for an ad about parenting essentially saying your kids are not your own. check it out. >> we have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. your kids is yours and totally your responsibility. we haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children. part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents orchids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. >>gretchen: should entire communities be responsible for raising your kids? tony perkins is the president of the family research council. good morning to you, tony. >> good morning. >> this is melissa harris perry, professor at tulane university. she also does weekend shows on msnbc. this is part of an ad campaign for the entire
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network. when you first heard that, what was your reaction? >> well, i was thinking, where were they when i was changing the diapers of my five kids. this idea of collectism that everyone but no one is responsibility. it is a nutty notion, gretchen, but a staple idea of the left. this is the 201 version of hillary clinton. this is the intellectual love child of the great society and the sexual revolution where everyone but no one is responsible. it's insane but it's a reality of the way the left thinks, the way they view our children. >>gretchen: to a certain extent, i understand what she means, that, yeah, people in the community do affect the lives of your children. i'm thinking about teachers, coaches, you know, sunday schoolteachers, piano teachers, neighbors. but that's a little bit different than a theory that those people are
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responsible in completely raising your child; right? >> yeah. first off, this idea that our children belong to the community, from a judeo- christian world view, scripture is clear we are to care for and look out for our neighbor. that idea i'm all for. we all benefit when children do well. when i grew up in a small town in oklahoma, everybody's parent was watching out for other people's kids. but they still knew who that child belonged to. parents are responsible. kids are still born to moms and dads, to women and men. it still takes a man and woman to create a child. children aren't born to the neighborhood watch, they are born to a man and woman. there is a reason for that. god gives them to man and woman. we have decades worth of social science that show children do best with a mom and dad who love them who are married and care for them. moving away from that notion, which the left
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would love to do, would be devastating for society. >>gretchen: there was obviously a firestorm after these ads started airing and harris perry defended it on her blog. here is what she said. those of you alarmed can relax. i have no desire of taking your kids. we live in a nation where slave holders took infants from the arms of my foremothers and sold them for profit but that is not what i was talking about, and you know it. reaction? >> she's absolutely right. we do have a tragic past in this country where children were taken from their parents, and i don't think that's what she means at all. but i think there is this liberal ideology driving this that children are a product of -- so they happen right now to come from a man and woman but they belong to all of us. we should care for our neighbor. we should be very concerned about how the kids down the street do because as a society we all rise or fall based upon how the next generation does. but the reality is first
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off, children are not a commodity. they are a gift of the lord. as parents, they come to a mom and a dad, we have a responsibility as the parent to raise those children. they don't belong to us. they are loaned to us for a short period of time. we ought to do the best we can do and we should help out our neighbor. we should work to make sure that every child in america has opportunities to succeed. but we can never back off and take -- absolve ourselves of our responsibility as parents to raise our children. >>gretchen: tony perkins, president of the family research council. thanks for your thoughts today. >> good to be with you. >>gretchen: it is already tough enough for college grads to pay off their loans and the government is about to make it harder by doubling the interest rate. what you need to know next. a childhood favorite on broadway and anna kooiman got a back stage pass to "annie." ♪
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please. >>brian: that's -- the premise is the joke. >>steve: it is crazy. didn't we learn anything about five years ago. >>gretchen: now headlines. 6:33 in the morning. the legendary blue angels have been grounded. the reason? sequestration. the navy canceled performances at festivals and air shows across the country for the rest of the year. >> i'm disappointed, as the whole team is. the blue angels are extremely important to recruiting. they inspire young men and women. i was inspired as a young boy when i saw the blue angels, and it inspired me to join the navy and pursue a career in navy aviation. >>gretchen: the blue angels performed high speed maneuvers for more than 60 years. >>brian: students who are struggling to pay to go to college are about to get a shocker. rates on stafford loans set to double july 1 at 6.8%. the average student graduates with $27,000 in debt. it is expected the hike will add about $1,000 on
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each loan. a report shows the government makes about 36 cents on every dollar it lends. >>steve: two teenage sisters lift a 3,000 pound tractor off their father to save his life. listen to their desperate call for help. >> on top of him. i'm not sure what's going to happen. >>steve: their father had been trying to pull a stump out of the ground when the tractor flipped over pinning his chest. the girls decided they didn't have enough time to waste and started lifting, giving him enough room to squeeze out. >> i don't know how i lifted it. it was so heavy. i could feel it, i could feel all the weight and i just -- we just did it. we both did. >> the father walking away with some bruises and a cast on his wrists. i've got a feeling he's not going to be pulling out any stumps with that tractor again. >>gretchen: it could be one of the best pranks
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ever. oh, my gosh, a chair sprang to life at a coffee shop in california. a magician disguising himself as a chair and giving people a shock of their lives. if you allow that cafe, how do you allow that to happen in there? >>steve: somebody might have a heart attack. crazy. >>brian: one kid thinks he figured it out. he's touching him, looks like in the groin, and then he sat down any way. >>steve: the chair man. >>brian: it was one of the most lopsided victories ever in the women's championship games. >> for u. conn, connecticut brings the taoeulgt back in 2013. >>brian: u. conn routing
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louisville to win its eighth national championship. briana stewart named most outstanding player. the win ties u. conn's coach and louisville's for the most wins in history. >>steve: extreme weather. spring storm looks like winter moving into the midwest today. it dumped over a foot of snow in portions of big sky country in wyoming and montana. colorado forcing whaoeuz to to -- forcing highways to close. colorado getting hit, trees snapped knocking out power for thousands of people. let's go to maria molina for more on the storm. it is not storming here. it's no-jacket day. >> another warm one across the northeast. good news for us here. but we did have areas of
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rain pushing parts of new england associated with that same storm system that broke a record in rapid city, south dakota. they reached 20 inches of snow. that's how much they recorded. incredible amounts of moisture with the storm. high temperatures today ahead of system very mild, very warm. behind it, it is a cold day. some of you have seen temperatures drop by more than 40 degrees in a 24-hour period. that gives you an idea of how powerful this storm system is with those very strong shifts in temperatures. temperatures across the mid-atlantic, a hot day. 90 degrees for your high in washington, d.c. in richmond some may be setting record-high temperatures. between the snow and rain across parts of the plain, we have freezing rain and some of the ice has been accumulating on roadways. be careful out there if you're hitting the roads anywhere from texas into parts of the midwest. back inside, steve, gretchen and brian. >>steve: nice weather here but lousy in the middle. >>gretchen: anna kooiman has a sneak peek of "annie"
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on broadway. >> audiences are enjoying the timeless classic "annie" again. it debuted in the 1970's earning seven tony awards. and now young kids and adults alike are falling in love with the curly-headed kid and her search for family. [music playing stph-fpl [-- music playing >> the little orphan that told you the sun would come out tomorrow and reminded you you're never fully dressed without a smile is back on broadway. we're taking you behind the scenes of "annie" for the 35th annual production. ♪ >> annie is an orphan and the dog she befriends on the street a stray. like the show, the dog playing annie was taken from the shelter.
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>> i always wondered what a dressing room would be like. >> this 12-year-old is playing annie. >> how's your day? [woof] >> i have so many favorite parts in the show, this is one of my favorites to work with the dog. >> you're going to say here, boy, here sandy. then you're going to say here, boy, here, sandy and slap your thighs and she is going to jump on you. >> come here, sandy. come here, boy. that was so good! >> look, it is the dress, daddy warbucks overcoat. let's see what else we can find. here we are with the orphan. can you guys show me one, like, dance move or one something that you do? what would be easy that i can do? [music]
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>> you guys are great. they are, those orphans range in ages from 8 to 13, some of them moving all the way from california. folks at home, if you'd like to make the trip to new york city, you can catch "annie" at the palace theater on broadway. >>gretchen: a fantastic show. i took my kid. i think that dog too was rescued right at the end, almost as the end was near. >> we met the understudy for sandy. like all the actors, the dog has to have a backup as well. >>brian: normally i'd go on your recommendation, but my daughter in third grade already did "annie." they said it was very similar to the broadway version. i kneel like it would be
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redundant. >> the music is great. it's timeless. >>gretchen: it's a fantastic show. thanks so much, anna. >>brian: it's the happiest you'll ever see orphans. straight ahead, liberals say they're on the side of equality, but when it comes to black conservatives, that's not always true. >> before slavery, through to 1964 and beyond, with president nixon, republicans are the ones who fought for civil rights, who fought for opportunity for blacks, who actually -- >>brian: that woman blogger, crystal wright, joins us next. joins us next. >>steve: stick around.
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super model miranda is walking away from victoria's secrets. she will still walk the runway in this year's show. >>brian: in an explosive episode of hannity on monday night, a town hall discussion turned into a debate over what it's like to be a black conservative in america. take a listen. >> i represent something that they just can't quite get their heads around. how can you be black and, you know, not march lock step behind the, quote, leaders. >> you read, you write, you do the things you need to do to be successful. it wasn't about you've got to be the right kind of black person. >> what dr. carson and everybody in here represents is a threat to their sense of ownership. liberals in total belief that they own black america. >>steve: our next guest was a member of that discussion from the popular blog conservative black
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chick, crystal wright joins us live from d.c. good morning. >> good morning. >>steve: the reaction to that special has been phenomenal. >> it has been beyond phenomenale on twitter telling me we needed three hours instead of an hour with sean for the special. i had a member of congress tell me yesterday, aren't you guys doing part 2 tonight? sean said you're going to do part 2. i said congressman, no, but we are doing part 2. it shows you there is an appetite to hear from conservative and break this false narrative liberals are painting about blacks and how they vote. >>steve: if you're a black conservative, sometimes if you appear on television, the liberal left is going to rip you to shreds. >> steve, we see this every day. look at poor dr. carson. msnbc host turay neb lett did this rant on dr. carson calling him the flavor of the month blacks.
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he said the man has intellectual brain tumors. the man is a brain surgeon. he said dr. carson had brain tumors because he was advocating for a flat tax and reforming our health care system. that doesn't sound like brain tumors. >>steve: i know republicans are making a pitch toward african-americans for the vote but wh en you look at history, republicans terminated slavery, republicans broke the democratic filibuster in the 1964 civil rights act, extended it to 2031, appointed two u.s. secretaries of state who are african-american. and yet at some point -- my question is at what point did the democrats, crystal, rewrite history? >> well, they rewrote history starting in 1964 when goldwater lost the presidential race to johnson. that's when it happened. as everybody knows, goldwater voted against the civil rights act based on
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his belief that states should be forced to desegregate schools and everything else. you know that republicans were responsible for voting for the civil rights act, as you mentioned, and getting it passed. i think that's when democrats said hey, let's rewrite history. did you know the democrat national committee has on its website that they are the party who has fought for civil rights for the last 200 years. eye-popping. what about lincoln? what about jefferson? they throw history out of the window. you know what i keep saying, and i said it on this show, we have to take back that history, like what senator rand paul is doing. today at howard university he's taking the message of conservatism and our history to those students. >>steve: crystal wright joining us today from washington, d.c. thank you so much. have a great day. what do you think about that? e-mail us @%en the person pitching
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obamacare concedes it is messier than anybody thought it would be. >> find out how your car [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. go! goooo! [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v. witone combined serving of fruits and vegetables. capri sun super-v.
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>>brian: before you hop in your car to go out this morning, you might want to check out some of these brand-new gadgets, guaranteed to make your trip smoother. joining us is the executive editor of let's begin with coffee. >> this is a coffee cup inverter. what you do is plug this into your coffee or your car power outlet and then you now have two working
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120-volt outlets. >>brian: you do not drink out of this. >> you do not drink out of it unless you want to spill electricity all over yourself. >>brian: start plugging things in without an adapter. this is one of the most exciting things i've seen. >> this is a g.p.s. tracking key. if you've watched "breaking bad" this gets involved in that show pretty heavily. this is a magnetic strip, plug it into the wheel well of the car and you can track up to two weeks where that car has been. >>brian: you've got a driver at home and say i only want you to go to school and you put it in and track where they went. a lot of people use it with spouses or ex-spouses. this goes over your rear-view mirror. >> an h.d. camera. it has a 150 did he -- 150-degree field of vision. it is constantly recording data. if you get into an accident
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it will save the data 15 seconds before the accident and 15 seconds after. >>brian: you don't need the state farm agent to appear. how much would this cost? >> about $156. this is a diagnostic tool. this plugs into the same port a mechanical shop would use to diagnose your car. it feeds to your ipad or iphone all the pertinent information for your car. it also gives you alert if something goes wrong with your car. >>brian: that costs about $275. instead of using sirius xm you have apps for the car. >> this basically turns your iphone into the power center for your car stereo. it has 40 apps it works with. it has this nice little -- touch screen iphone thing going on. >>brian: we should also say should also put the fox radio app there. you can get it all on. good to see you.
3:57 am we're keeping a close eye on north korea because there is a high chance they could launch a medium-range missile at any time. we are live in seoul with breaking details. molly shannon is here live with us. >> wow! [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use
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the new weight watchers 360 program. ♪ whoo! join for free and check out the new risk free guarantee today. because it works. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is wednesday, april 10, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. all eyes on north korea. they threatened a missile launch. now word we've been having secret meetings all along. we're live in seoul, south korea, moments away. >> brian: oops, even the first person in charge of administering obamacare admits it's a lot harder than anyone anticipated. we're putting on our shocked faces. >> steve: don't believe what you hear about 40, ladies. >> why does it say 38 and not 40? >> 'cause your mom wants to be 38. >> steve: the secret just revealed about that magical age of 40.
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"fox & friends" -- >> brian: this is magical. >> steve: "fox & friends" now in our 16th year starts right now. >> gretchen: you did that shocked look, immediately what popped in was mr. bill. remember that? >> brian: yes. that documentary that aired. >> gretchen: that ages us, i think. anyway, we'll tell you -- >> brian: they don't do enough with clay anymore. >> steve: they don't. >> gretchen: they should, under budget constraints. >> brian: and play dough, clay gave birth to play dough -- plato the philosopher, and the toy came from the space program. >> steve: play dough, one of the best smells of childhood. >> brian: that's true. shrink -- slinkyy was the best
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toy. >> steve: south korea saying the north is prepared to do a missile test. david piper live with the latest. are they worried they might do something stupid today? >> plenty of worry, yes. but no panic on the streets as yet in the south korean capitol. the u.s. and south korea has raised its military alert levels now over concerns north korea is going to conduct a missile test at any time. south korea is also raising its terror alert levels, which means they're beefing up their military patrols around key installations. the latest smells suggests they could launch the missile at any time. sources say they believe the mid range missile is ready to be launched from an east coast mobile site. some here say the missile test could take place on the 15th. that is the day north korea celebrates the birthday of the country's founder, kim jong-un, grandfather of current leader.
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officials in seoul say north korea may conduct a launch of several missiles at the same time. sources say satellites have picked up the movement of shorter medium range missiles in other parts of the north. japan is preparing to deal with any missile launch by the south. they deployed warships with the capability of intercepting a missile and also have a second line of defense in and around tokyo with patriot missiles out there now. u.s. has also got warships in the area and they're moving antimissile defense system to guam because north korea has warned it could possibly attack there in the future. back to you guys in the studio. >> steve: all right. david piper live in seoul, south korea. look for something between now and april 15 because april 15 is the anniversary of the founding. so if they're going to do something between now and then. >> gretchen: hopefully not. another developing story. the secret service investigating the suspicious car at the white
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house. right now police closed several roads and at least one metro entrance. we'll continue to keep the up-- you updated. the american parents accused of kid naping their -- kidnapping their own children are back in the u.s. their two sons are on the flight back with them. they were tossed in jail. the children, now back with their maternal grandparents who have legal custody. the parents lost custody after police found them in a hotel with the boys surrounded by weapons and drugs. >> right now we're just looking forward to sitting, getting them and hugging them and being with them and getting them home where they'll be safe again. >> gretchen: the family dog was also taken to cuba. authorities gave it to the boys once they landed in florida. he normally carried a stuffed monkey around campus. yesterday he changed it to a box
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cutter. 20-year-old dylan quick charged with going on a slashing spree at lone star community college near houston, texas. 14 people were injured. two critically. it could have been worst if he wasn't stopped by this guy. >> as soon as i put him on the ground, i asked him, like why? why did you stab these people? he didn't say anything. we knocked his hearing aid out. i was screaming at him. i was so enraged. >> gretchen: quick told police he had fantasized about stabbing people. just a few hours, jonna winter, the reporter facing jail time will head back to court. a judge delayed his ruling on whether she will have to testify about her story and sources. it revealed before james holmes shot up a movie theater in colorado, he sent a package to a psychiatrist. it included a notebook full of details about how holmes was going to kill people. the judge has to decide if the notebook will be allowed as evidence. we'll hear from an officer who had contact with that notebook.
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those are your headlines. now it's time to break down some numbers. >> steve: the president's budget was released at 6:00 o'clock this morning. headline, making america a magnet for jobs. with his proposal he's suggesting the federal government spends $3.77 trillion in the next year. major new taxes on the wealthy. think buffet rule on steroids. l security and on medicare as well. when you take a look at the grand sweep of things, the suggestion that this really revamps and fixes entitlements would be delusional. >> brian: yeah. 65 days late, but here are some stats. reduced increases of the deficit. ten-year savings $339 billion. what's also important -- >> gretchen: that's social security. >> brian: what i also thought is important, that's what our national debt is, that the president goes ahead and has
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nondefense cuts in there, but there are still more defense cuts. but he also does change cpi with social security, which essentially eliminates inflation increases, which has got a lot of people on the left beside themselves. he does not raise the retirement age, which he also knows he would get absolutely no democratic support for. >> gretchen: it's interesting because originally two years ago or so, he did talk, at least ostensibly, about raising the age. but that's not on the paper yet. i think this is a starting point, though. if you're a democratic president and you have a lot of people on the left upset at with you this proposal, then you know that maybe there is some middle ground to be found in it, something. >> brian: exactly. where was it in the first four years? >> gretchen: exactly. this is a change for this president. you can argue about why he's reaching out across the aisle. whether it's legacy or whatever it is. this could be a starting point to at least have some sort of a
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discussion about trying to reduce the deficit that we face. >> brian: tonight is dinner with republican leaders, but no leadership. john boehner says i'm done with back room dealings and mitch mcconnell says i've got nothing to say. he's trying to go around them and look at them as reasonable group he can eat with. >> steve: sure. so they're going to sit down at 6:30 tonight in the old family dining room at the white house. but keep in mind, part of the budget proposal suggested by the president today is he wants to make -- raise 600, $700 billion in new taxes from the wealthy, which the republicans in congress have said absolutely not. we already gave it to you, which means it would fail in the house, which means then come election, 2014, the president can say, those darn republicans! they're obstructionists and extremists, vote them out. you watch. >> gretchen: he will get more revenue from obamacare. but health and human services
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secretary doesn't understand now, even after all this time -- what has it been, three years since it passed -- she claims in this latest bit that we're going to show that you she still doesn't understand why there is so much opposition to obamacare, especially after the supreme court ruled in this administration's favor last summer. >> there was some hope that once the supreme court ruled in july and then once an election occurred, there would be a sense of this is the law of the land. let's get on board. let's make this work. and yet, we find ourselves still having sort of state by state political battles. >> steve: state by state political battles. where was the contingency plan on the administration's part? remember, it was out there that the states would have the option of setting up their own exchanges. 33 states have said no, we're not going to because this is a gigantic administrative nightmare. we're not going to get involved in and we don't want to get left holding the bag if it costs a lot of dough.
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where was the contingency plan from the white house? apparently they didn't have one. >> brian: it's almost unimplementable if that is a word. a lot of people don't know how to do this. how you -- how you do this to insure 30 million americans and what sacrifice and how many industry also fall apart in the process and how much will your quality of care drop. congressman goudie says this was very predictable. listen. >> this is what you get when you don't have a single republican vote in an effort to remake one fifth of your economy. the states weren't consulted. i don't know a physician that thinks obamacare is a good idea. so this was a top down remedy to one fifth of our economy. 13,000 regulations. the bad news is, she's just getting started. >> gretchen: some physicians agreed, or remember the people in the white coats standing behind president obama when he would talk about obamacare. but probably for the most part,
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most physicians don't because there aren't enough physicians right now. that's one of the major hurdles right now is how are you going to come up with enough -- first of all, people who want to become doctors anymore. second of all, existing doctors. there are not enough of them to be able to service all of these extra people, not to mention all of the medicare problems, what doctors are going to be able to take those payments. they're already under water in many circumstances already. so a myriad of problems with getting this whole plan in place. >> steve: the key really is the exchanges. the administration had three years to set up the exchanges and they have failed miserably. they should have had a back up plan. in the meantime, where are we? >> brian: here is the practical thing, a lot of people couldn't care less who is president and who their congressman is. but they sit there and go to the doctor and notice the premiums are up. they notice they have to pay more into their policy. they know doctors are saying, you give me cash and you go to your insurance company and try to get your money back. when things start falling apart at the person to person level, that's with people say y did this happen?
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why is obamacare so thick? i thought this was supposed to help us. who exactly is it helping? no one can stop the american people from saying and concluding things are harder and the quality dropped. that's what we're getting 'cause this is a slow rollout. >> steve: my wife was on the phone with our prescription coverage company for over the last two days arguing over one prescription. you look at -- you connect the dots, it looks like they're trying to manage the price of the care, all part of obamacare. >> gretchen: one thing is for sure f you're not vigilant about health insurance and making phone calls, you might pay more than you need to. coming up on the show, ladies, forget everything you've heard about turning 40. the big secret just revealed about that age and even a little bit older. >> steve: then we told you yesterday the treasury department gave the green light to beyonce's vacation to communist cuba. but our next guest says there are way more troubling things the administration is doing when
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it comes to cuba. right back. >> brian: don't forget jay-z [ female announcer ] she did a full day at the office, went home and fed her family. now she's helping her community. no wonder it's hard to focus on her own needs. but she's got one a day women's, a complete multivitamin with key nutrients women may need all in one pill. because our focus is you.
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nespresso. where there is an espresso to match my every mood. ♪ where just one touch creates the perfect coffee. where every cappuccino and latte is made at home. and where i can have exactly what i desire. ♪ nespresso. what else? >> gretchen: the obama administration's treasury department under fire for granting jay-z and beyonce a license to travel to cuba, calling it a cultural exchange. but according to critics, the
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celebrity couple was there for no other reason than to take a vacation. so what kind of backlash will they face, if any? john suarez is the international director for the directorate. he's here with his reaction. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> gretchen: so we know that beyonce and jay-z, they did this legally. they did go to the treasury department and got this whatever visa they needed to travel there. it did seem more like a vacation. i have to say i was surprised because for the most part, they have been relatively good role models as far as hollywood standards go in our country. >> well, they were also outed because it was the cuban government itself that came out saying it was a vacation and portrayed it as something touristic and there was a reason for that. the government was very upset that people like the cuban ladies in white have been traveling and getting media coverage. rosa maria paya was calling for
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an international investigation into her father's death, the ladies in white, these women, many of them afro cuban who are regularly beaten and assaulted for requesting the release of political prisoners, has also been garnering a lot of media attention internationally. so what they've done is they've manipulated this visit by beyonce and jay-z to shift attention away from these activists. >> gretchen: i see. >> i would also like to point out that among these activists that have been brutally treated and that require health care, someone like the rosa parks foundation for human rights, on may 7 was brutally beaten down into unconsciousness for engaging in nonviolent protest and still has not received proper medical care. this is the cuban reality that beyonce and jay-z just happened to walk, stumble upon when constituent for their fifth anniversary. >> gretchen: one would think that maybe as a power couple, they were going to cuba to
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actually bring more attention to the black cubans who are imprisoned there at a high rate, or the other millions of people who are suffering there. were you surprised that that was not the mission? >> i was very surprised. unfortunately, they didn't meet with the ladies in white. there is a campaign underway on twitter, five minutes to meet with beta, that people are requesting they meet with her now shah that's going to be in the united states in the next few days. but no, they didn't do it during their visit. disappointing. i think it also highlights another thing, even in the case of cultural exchange or academic exchange in cuba, what it amounts to is an indoctrination session. i had the experience of meeting a very capable woman from harvard university who spent a smellser in havana and she was spouting all the regime propaganda. i had to sit down with her for ten minute, give her the links to amnesty international, human
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rights watch, commission for human rights web sites and then an hour later she came back, angrily in tears because she had been manipulated. god knows what impression beyonce and jay-z got after their visit to the island. >> gretchen: interesting perspective. thanks so much for your time today. >> thank you. >> gretchen: can you answer this? where would a campus brawl scene take place? lucky it's multiple choice. that's one of the questions added to spelling bees that are no longer just about spelling. we'll tell you why. plus molly shannon is here, taking on a brand-new movie role. she's next
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>> steve: time for news by the numbers. first, 247,000. that's how many suv and cars skies letter is recalling -- chrysler is recalling. broken drive shafts, faulty gas tank hoses and broken air bag warning lights. so if you got those cars, beware. next, number one fastest selling mini series. that this is a new record the history channel "the bible" holds. it sold half a million the first week alone. congratulations. finally, 40 years old. that's the age women in a new study, said to feel their best. 55% revealing they're more confident in their appearance now than when they were in their 30s. so now the magic number is 40. >> gretchen: there is something liberating about it.
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you probably know her as the spastic catholic school girl -- >> brian: that's really nice. >> steve: she's sitting right here. >> gretchen: i'm reading from the teleprompter. she was in character. >> you're a special girl, so special that we're going to put you in special ed. what are you doing with your hand? >> sometimes when i get nervous, i stick my fingers under my arms and i'm like that. [ laughter ] >> brian: now she's here for another big movie, welcome back. >> thank you. it's so nice to be back with you. >> steve: how nostalgic was that? >> it is. >> steve: it is. that led to -- >> gretchen: you were not offended by spastic? >> no, not at all. she is a spast tick little girl. she's accident prone. >> steve: who did you base that on? >> that was based on myself.
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[ laughter ] >> brian: growing up? >> yeah. an exaggerated version of how i felt growing up in ohio. >> brian: you did not enjoy seeing that, did you? >> oh, no, i don't mind. i don't mind at all. i like seeing it, yeah. i don't mind. >> brian: good. we'll show it to you again. [ laughter ] scary movie, why go through the scary movie thing? >> one of the reasons i did the movie is i worked with david zucker, he's the best. he did "airplane" and many scary movies. he's so fun to work with. >> gretchen: this is "scary movie 5". it's got a huge cast. but you add humor to the scariness. >> yes. we parody all these different movies and i do a parody of "the black swan." i do the winona rider part and i'm very angry and crippled and i'm an angry dancer.
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>> steve: what a beautiful way to set up the clip. here she is, molly shannon, "scary movie 5". >> crusty old weather leather faced elder statesman of ballet to whom this young girl is experienced, delicious, but still very raw, ballerina hopefuls look up. show these more desirable children how it's done, huh? music! ♪ ♪ >> spread your legs a little bit! >> look at that form. that technique. i'll never be that good. >> okay. who is next? [ laughter ] >> gretchen: i love holding the martini. >> i know, right. and a cigarette. so you hadn't seen that before? >> no, i hadn't. >> gretchen: what's your reaction? >> it's so nice. david zucker let me improvise. we had like a ballet coach. and then he was like, just let molly make up whatever she
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wants. >> brian: get her some cigarettes and wine and let her go. >> he let me make up my own dance. >> steve: lindsay lohan, also in the movie, she was on david letterman last night. >> i saw it. >> steve: did you? here is a snippet. >> what is rehabbing? what is on their list? what are they going to work on when you walk through the door? >> we didn't discuss this in the preinterview, dave. do you have addiction problems? >> now you sound like dr. phil. >> yeah, i'm sorry. is it like alcohol? do you drink too much? >> we discussed this in the past. >> did we really? when? i'm the one having the blackout blackouts. >> steve: oh, man. >> brian: what are your thoughts? >> well, i feel bad. i think she's really trying. she said she's going to go to rehab may 1, i guess. i feel bad for her i. think she
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had a rough childhood. i thought letterman handled it well. i thought it was sweet at the end and said you showed up here, 'cause the kind -- the show made fun of her. i feel bad for her. she's a sweet girl. i think she's talented. i loved her -- >> brian: she's very talented. >> i hope she can pull it together. >> steve: dave couldn't get answers from her. you know what he needed? he needed an excedrin. >> thank you for segueway. >> steve: about who has america's biggest headache! >> yeah. i'm very excited to be partnering with excedrin. there is an amazing facebook page where you can go and vote on who has the biggest headache and giving away amazing prizes. >> brian: it has a little caffeine in it to give you a pick up. >> a morning pop. >> brian: which you don't need, 'cause you are the morning show.
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>> gretchen: thanks, molly. >> thank you so much. >> gretchen: congratulations on the movie. breaking this morning, disgraced former congressman anthony wiener is mount ago comeback now. we have the breaking details coming up. >> brian: it's about time. then, did you know it's national sibling day? fox news channel's rick folbaum and his brother and sister, there you go, we want to see your pictures of your siblings in action before you get to work. they're full grown now. carfirmation. only hertz gives you a carfirmation. hey, this is challenger. i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough.
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♪ love will keep us together ♪ . >> brian: shot of the motorcycle. national sibling day. you're helping us celebrate by sharing your photos. >> steve: that's not captain and tenille. that's the sims family from alabama. happy sibling day. >> gretchen: 7-year-old owen and oliver, very cute. >> brian: jessica on her we had taking with her bro and twin sister. >> steve: ten-year-old twin sisters lexi and caroline, as you can see. ankle deep somewhere pretty. >> gretchen: dana vacationing with her siblings. >> brian: in moments, we'll find
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out about gretchen's siblings. >> gretchen: my sister will join us. >> brian: and in two hours, my brothers are making their way to the couch. >> steve: if you have never heard of national sibling day -- >> brian: join the club. >> steve: it's much like mother's day and father's day, it gets to you remember your siblings on this special day. >> gretchen: i thought you were going to say buy a card. >> brian: exchange gifts? >> gretchen: that's for my sister who may be listening, i did not send a card. >> brian: she wants cash. let's just exchange money. you have a sibling, give them ten bucks. >> gretchen: let's do some headlines. blue angels grounded. the reason? sequestration. the navy just canceled all performances at festivals and air shows across the country for the rest of the year. >> personally i'm disappointed as the whole team is. the blue angels are extremely important to recruiting. they inspire young men and women. i was inspired as a young boy when i saw the blue angels and
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they inspired me to join the navy and pursue a career in naval aviation. >> gretchen: they have performed their high speed maneuvers for more than 60 years, but not right now. >> steve: i flew with them once, it was fantastic. >> brian: i flew alone. i just jumped in and followed. >> steve: he resigned in disgrace after he exchanged lewd photos and messages with women on twitter. >> i had hoped to be able to continue the work that the citizens of my district elected me to do. unfortunately, the distraction that i have created has made that impossible. so today i'm announcing my resignation from congress. >> steve: the cover-up, always often worse. but anthony wiener is advantagely considering running for mayor of new york city. he says it may be now or never to make the run and hopes voters will give him a second chance. good luck. >> brian: is that a true story
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you just read? >> steve: absolutely. >> brian: it was the most lop sided victory ever in a women's title game. >> number 8 for yukon. the huskies wrong a record eighth national championship. connecticut brings the title back in 2013! >> brian: louisville had a remarkable run, but ended with a thud. final score, 93-60. eighth title. stewart named most outstanding player. the coach may be one of the best out there. tennessee's pat summit for most women's hoops victories in history and most titles. amazing what they've done up there. you go to a women's game and it is just the passion, always sold out, as the men. >> gretchen: national spelling bee could end up stinging competitors. there will be a vocabulary test. in order to qualify for the finals, they will be asked like where will a campusstroll take
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place. it will count for half of their cumulative score. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, we got extreme weather. the midwest bracing for a major snow storm today. storm is already dumped several inches of snow in denver, causing, as you can see here in these images out of denver, treacherous road conditions and accidents. nebraska also dealing with powerful winds, strong gusts destroying that. it used to be a garage. here in new york city, beautiful weather and it's not windy at all. that's why we have dispatched maria molina outside. >> it is absolutely beautiful out here in new york city. some parts of the mid atlantic. just to our south of new york city, dc and also in richmond, virginia, you're actual lea going to be seeing a high temporary at 90 degrees. possible record setting heat. that's ahead of our storm system that now is bringing in more snow across sections of the plains. we picked up up to 20 inches of snow across south dakota. there is also a significant temperature drop behind this frontal system. i want to show you some of these
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24 hour temperature changes that we've seen. amarillo, you dropped 43 degrees in just 24 hours. absolutely incredible. very cold behind the system. currently feels like 0 degrees in the city of denver. you do have to bundle up. currently feels like 11 in hays. otherwise the precipitation coming down across the center of the country. we have areas of rain, flood threat. we have freezing rain and more snow. >> steve: got it all. thank you. >> gretchen: brothers and sisters, give your sibling a hug 'cause it's national sibling day. >> steve: guess who we've got on the telephone now. gretchen's sister, chris. good morning to you, welcome to "fox & friends." >> good morning, guys. how are you? >> steve: great. how are you celebrating national siblings day? >> brian: i think she's on our show. >> i got up extra early and i'm just going to celebrate it by chatting with gretch for a while. >> steve: that's great. >> gretchen: because she's in minute money where they're going to have another snow storm. that's where we grew up. she's raising three kids there. and working. she did probably get up extra
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special time. let's show some pictures, shall we? there we are. who is in the highchair? >> i'm in the highchair. chris is 2 1/2 years older than me. >> brian: gretchen, what do you remember from that picture? >> gretchen: nothing. we grew up in the halloween capital of the world, so it was always a big deal to dress up. >> we should have had costumes switched there. you should have been maybe in the witch one -- >> brian: oh, that is not nice! oh, my goodness! >> gretchen: she delivers a zing in the first one! >> steve: turn on siblings day. >> gretchen: good one, chris. that's going to earn you extra points. >> brian: when she says that, she means you're going to get it after the show. >> gretchen: my sister always had long hair. i always wanted long hair. it never worked out for me. we did a lot of great family vacations and continued them on as sisters as adults. this is in the dead sea in israel. our grandfather was a minister, so we had the opportunity to go there.
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i think there is one on a camel. yeah. who is crying, chris? >> well that, would have been you, i believe. i thought it was marvelous threw on top of the camel. you weren't so sure about that. >> gretchen: definitely that is a family heirloom. >> i don't think the cam system sure about it either. >> brian: what was your responsibility as the older sister to gretchen carlson? >> that was a big job. i mean, it's tough to keep her in line. but i did the best i could. >> gretchen: this is at my wedding, i actually am younger but got married first. then i think we have a picture, this is at my sister's wedding. chris, where did you meet your husband, with me, on one of our trips together? i hope it's the next picture. >> i met my husband, henry, in french polynesia in tahiti. i was on a work trip and gretchen came with me and she kind of instigated or set up the whole thing. so i have to thank my sister for
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12 years of marriage and introducing me to my husband and having 12 years of marriage and three great kids. >> steve: congratulations to you, chris, for having a job that would send to you tahiti. >> i know! those were the good days. >> steve: what kind of business were you in? >> i was in the incentive travel business. >> brian: that was great incentive to travel. >> yeah! >> gretchen: it was great time for me to be your sister because i got to go along. we met henry, one of the first people on the ship. he was working there and i said, wow. he's got eyes for you! were you 34, 35 at the time and you said gretchen, i can't even find somebody to date in the continental u.s. why would i want a boyfriend in tahiti? next thing i knew, they were an item and got married. >> brian: chris, what are you getting gretchen for sibling day? >> i am -- i don't know. i haven't thought about it. maybe a cookbook or something. [ laughter ] >> brian: get her something
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she'll use. >> something she could use. >> gretchen: another zinger! chris is an amazing cook, as is my mom. that's a quality that did not fall on my shoulder. you got great zing increase today. i love it. >> you have plenty of great qualities of your own. you can't cook, who cares? >> brian: right. when she said great zingers, she actually punched the couch. i'm a little worried for you two. >> that is a good one then. thanks, bri. >> steve: good luck at that family reunion. >> gretchen: you know what's so fabulous? we ended up having our kids at the same time in life and we continue to have amazing family vacations and time together and carry on all the same traditions. i love you, chris. thanks so much. >> love you, too, have a great day, guys. >> brian: bye. >> steve: all right. straight ahead on this national sibling day, she can't get out of bed until the hands on her clock hit an even number. so is that normal or is she a little nuts? dr. keith ablow weighs in on that shortly. >> brian: then we told you about
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those free cell phones our government hands out. the program is full of fraud. up next, an easy way to change that. but it's pretty controversial ♪ if loving you is wrong
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[ female announcer ] joinor free. if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v and we haven't even mentioned... c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. >> brian: should our government provide free cell phones to people who cannot afford them? right now we do at taxpayers'
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expense. our next guest says i want to change that. georgia public service commissioner doug everett and he joins us live from georgia. doug, what do you want to do different here? >> well, i want to start charging a nominal fee that the law gives us the right to do to try to help some of the fraud that is within the program. i know that back last year, six of the top cell phone companies, at & t, sprint, et cetera, was audited by a company that found that it was nearly 41% of the phones they had given out were fraudulent received by the people. >> brian: they had money, they could afford their own and got them anyway? >> well, i don't know about they could afford the phone, but they got them fraudulently. we had a lot of phones put out fraudulently here in georgia. i think that the ones that we have out, probably approaching that figure ourselves.
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we've had people -- i know one guy, he had 12 phones. had a gentleman in florida said they had one gentleman had over 30 phones. and they were receiving. this was one way to try to cut down on the fraud. >> brian: right. what you're doing is you want to charge $5 per phone and so far in terms of the numbers, they're staggering. $819 million for this program. there has got to be a way to crack down on it. five dollars for a phone sounds reasonable. >> well, seems reasonable to me. but it's not just a consumer that we have the problem with. like i said, some of the cell phone companies. we had one cell phone company just sending phones out to people and the people, they did not even wish to have a telephone. the company is receiving 9.25 subsidy from the uas fund for each phone they send out. that's per month.
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and we had one phone company up in alaska that for four years, they gave false information to the sec. they were fined a million dollars dollars, but that's a drop in the bucket. >> brian: a lot of people say this is cracking down on people that are having a hard time and need these phones. what do you say to people who say that to you? >> well, the people are paying approximatelily $2.50 a month, the rate payers. some of the people, the poor people that cannot afford the phones need them and i feel sorry they have been caught in this. but there is just as many poor people that's just above the line that's just above a cutoff line, they're having to pay 2.50 per month for those people that are below the line. >> brian: you can't legislate ethics. >> right. i have a tendency to --
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>> brian: i have to stop you there. thank you for joining us, and you taking the courage to try to crack down on fraud. public service commissioner in georgia. thanks so much. next, something you're not going to believe, you're not going to believe until you see it. cute puppy. yep [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. boom. heart attack. the doctor recommends bayer aspirin to keep this from happening to me again. it's working. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before youegin an aspirin rimen. it can happen to anyone. talk to your doctor. it can happen to anyone. great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here!
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>> steve: now it's time for the segment america loves, normal or nuts. joining us answering your questions about your psyche, dr. keith ablow. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. how are you? >> steve: i'm doing fine. better than the people you're about to hear from. e-mail number one, when i'm in a bad mood, i only want to be around my animals. not my wife or friends. am i normal or nuts? >> well, listen, this is better than normal. this is somebody who, when in a bad mood, doesn't need antidepressants.
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the company of animal social security a healing phenomenon and sometimes, steve, i'll just head out with my two beagles and i don't bring my wife along because i want to clear my mind! she's there when i get back. it's all good. >> steve: i'm sure she'd like a little time away from you. you're no gem. >> a little? come on! >> steve: all right. >> she needs the couch living with me. >> steve: i'm sure she gets the couch. meanwhile, my sister has to wait until the clock, the alarm clock hits an even number before she can get up. even if she's running late, she waits until the minute turns from an odd to even number. i know what this is. >> this is a little nuts! here is the deal, it's nuts for this reason and we mean this in total good humor, but it's something to think about. she wants to believe her life is that organized and predictable, that if it's an even number, it will be a good day, let's start the day. life isn't that predictable. we want to talk to her about what in your life hasn't been so regimented. >> steve: very good. final question, i can't have
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anybody sitting behind me if their chair isn't lined up with mine, i will ask them to move. is that normal or nuts? it sounds like somebody who has been to the sparks steak house, if you ask me. >> there you go. listen, it's a little crazy, frankly. the reason is because it's a little bit paranoid and obsessive. people who can't stand others in close proximity to them, behind them, they tend to be anxious people, distrusting. here is the cure, you sit with mere, across from me. a couple of armchairs and we talk this out. >> steve: as long as you're not sitting this with your dog, which as we know -- >> charlie and lala the beagles. you would fall in love in ten seconds. >> steve: i can hear them in the studio. dr. keith joining us live from boston. thank you very much. if you would like a question, e-mail them to us. meanwhile, msnbc wants government overreach taken to a whole new level. they say kids don't belong to their parents. they belong to the community.
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what do you think about that? it's tough enough for college grads to pay off their loan, but the government is about to make it harder by doubling the interest rate. what you need to know, live from new york [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's wednesday, april 10, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. i hope you're gonna have a great national sibling day. upcoming, brian's brothers zing him. >> brian: it's unbelievable. >> gretchen: fox news alert, we're waiting and watching because at any moment, north korea could launch a nuclear weapon. now word we've been having some sort of secret meetings all along. what's going on? we'll try to let you know. >> steve: apparently your invitation got lost in the mail. but the bill didn't. the president partying last night in your face while keeping you out of the white house. well you, unless you're celebrity, they're invited. we'll tell you about that coming up. >> brian: that timberlake.
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you may have given birth to them, but according to msnbc, your kids belong to the community. >> we ha kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their family and recognize kids belong to whole communities. >> steve: good. >> brian: just when it comes to college, i wish the community would chip in. >> steve: immediately. >> brian: your responses are pouring in. "fox & friends" starts now. >> steve: all right. you know, generally you associate penguins with cold weather. it is the warmest day of the year and yet, look who is coming today with jack hannah, some beautiful, just born, just hatched penguins. >> brian: we were waiting for them to be hatched before we booked him. >> steve: thumbs up. >> gretchen: we'll learn about them in a few minutes. in the meantime, let's get to your headlines. fox news alert.
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waiting what happens for what appears to be an imminent missile launch from north korea. the south announcing preps have been completed for a missile test and the prospect of a launch is, quote, considerably high. it's expected to be a medium range missile with a range of more than 2100 miles. japan has destroyed patriot missile interceptors across tokyo. they deployed them in the event of a launch. we'll have a live report at the bottom of the hour. american parents accused of kidnapping their kids and sailing to cuba are back in the united states in handcuffs. the plane transporting the couple landed around 3:00 o'clock this morning. the two sons also on that flight. they were then tossed in jail. the children now back with their maternal grandparents who have legal custody of them. the parents lost custody after police found them in a hotel with the boys surrounded by weapons and drugs. >> right now we're just looking forward to sitting, getting them and hugging them and being with
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them and getting them home where they'll be safe again. >> gretchen: family dog was also taken to cuba. authorities gave it to the boys once they landed in florida. this is a little strange. he normally carried a stuffed monkey around on campus. that could have been a red flag. but yesterday it was a box cutter that he was carrying. 20-year-old dylan quick charged with going on a slashing spree at lone star community college near houston, texas. he injured 14 people allegedly. two of them critically. it could have been worse if he wasn't stopped by this guy. >> as soon as i put him on the ground, i asked him, like why? why did you stab these people? he didn't tell me anything. we knocked his hearing aid out. he couldn't hear us, i was screaming at him. >> gretchen: quick said he had fantasized about stabbing people. finally, someone who do not give lindsay lohan a pass. last night david letterman grilled the troubled actress about her upcoming stint in rehab. >> what are they rehabbing, first of all? what is on their list?
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what are they going to work on when you walk through the door? >> we didn't discuss this in the preinterview. >> do you have addiction problem s? >> now you sound like dr. phil. >> yeah, i'm sorry. is it like alcohol? do you drink too much? >> we've discussed this in the past. >> did we really? when did we discuss it? i'm the one having the blackout blackouts. >> gretchen: she is entering rehab may 2. i believe it's court order. she faces a 90-day isn't as part of a plea. >> steve: everything in her life seems is court ordered. >> brian: she's lucky because she can afford to stay there. normally if you can't afford it, which most people have drug or addictions have, you're in and out in ten days. she could get a full six months if she needed it. she does. president obama finally unveiling his budget for next year today. it's a 65 days late. republicans say it will do absolutely nothing to solve the nation's debt crisis.
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>> steve: you know what? wendell goler is live on the north lawn of the white house to tell us what we know about the budget that was released officially at 6:00 a.m. this morning. >> well, not just yet for most people leased. that will be a few hours from now, steve. we know the three and three quarter trillion dollars budget is more than two months late. it's already drawing criticism from the left and right. it's intend to do trim the national debt over the next ten years. republicans say that's not enough. they say the $600 billion in tax hikes in the budget is for them far too much. the white house says the budget is a compromise. >> i think democrats and allies understand that this budget the president will put forward tomorrow is not his ideal budget it is a document that recognizes that to achieve a bipartisan solution to our budget challenges, we need to make tough choices. it demonstrates in stark
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contrast to the house republican budget, that you can invest in our economy and protect our middle class and protect our seniors and reduce the deficit. >> progressives object to reductions in the growth of social security and medicare that would save about $130 billion over the next ten years and cost the average 75-year-old about $550 a year once they're fully phased in. republicans, meanwhile, say they have seen and rejected this plan before. >> it's quite similar, frankly, to his budget last year and it's two months late. we're not sure this is a serious exercise. we're still hoping that we'll get a chance to solve the biggest problem plaguing our country, our deficit and debt, coming out of the discussions that the president is having with various members and others. >> tonight the president will host another dozen republican senators for dinner. second time he's done this. this time here at the white
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house. table talks likely to center around gun control, immigration reform and the budget, which is being delivered to capitol hill in a few minutes and will be up on the office of management and budget web site for us to see about 11:15. >> steve: thank you very much. we got some detail this is morning. the president will make a statement at 11:00 o'clock from the rose garden. you'll see it right here on fox news channel. >> gretchen: you know if you're going to washington, d.c., you still cannot go and do those white house tours because they are off limits because allegedly of sequestration. they just cost too much, so that was one of the first things to go. some people were scratching their heads when the president still had a huge party last night at the white house. but only friends from hollywood were there, at least the ones on stage. they were performing. >> brian: it was a salute to soul community in memphis. al green was there, queen latifah, not a real queen. it's a nickname. cindy lauper was there.
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>> steve: jessica biel was there and justin timberlake. take a look right there, bringing sequester back. keep in mind, this is the tenth one of these event that the president has hosted during his years there in the white house. and the optics of the fact that we can't take a tour, but they can, apparently the white house really doesn't care. invite everybody in, it's great big lavish party. sorry, you're not invited. you can watch it on pbs. >> brian: i know their chef has been forced to -- >> steve: assistant chef. >> brian: has to take a furlough day. i think they could have paid for his day of work if they didn't have to have this party. some would say, isn't it a separate part of the budget? i think you're the president, i think you can move some money around. >> gretchen: it's just the optics of everything. the way we live now, it's all about the pictures and the videotape. in this case, some people might see that juxtaposition of nobody going into the white house but having this huge party as problematic for the president.
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although i have to say coming in this morning when you listen to the story on the radio, they say the president had this party and it was great music. >> steve: yeah. and they don't remind people as we do what the cost is. the cost is no public tours. the president last night had this comment. he said tonight i'm not speaking as president, but as one of america's best known al green imperson ators. apparently his wife kidded him, he thinks he sings like al green. michelle obama said, let's just say he does, okay? >> gretchen: austan goolsbee says that we should be thankful because the president actually is trying to help sequestration because he gave back $20,000 from his salary. last night sean hannity seems to have a problem with that analysis. >> it's getting better at a modest rate. it needs to be faster. you and i agree on that. >> where were you when the president gave back $20,000 of his salary? gave back to the taxpayer. >> cry me a river!
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cry me a river! how about -- forget the $20,000. how about stop taking vacations and playing golf with tiger at $180,000 air force one hour? you're on drugs! you can't be serious! >> brian: he did fly out there, the president, just for a fund-raiser to los angeles and he'll be coming to new york just to raise money. >> steve: yeah. so did the dnc pay 180,000 bucks an hour for air force one? i doubt it. i'm sure he was able to say it was part of my job. >> gretchen: some bit of controversy, an ad over at msnbc has melissa harris per yerkes one of their weekend anchors and a professor at tulane university, she talks about kids growing up in american society today and the fact that they're really part of the community. see what you think about it. is it taking the role and the responsibility of parents away? >> we have never invested as
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much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. we haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children, so part of it is we have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. >> steve: oh, great. that kind of talk is reminiscent of hillary clinton's book "it takes a village." this morning, the headline is, if takes a village idiot to say kids belong to the state. >> brian: hillary clinton, by the way, she said it takes a village, was never going to say chelsea was going to be raised by somebody else. >> gretchen: exactly. i think this takes it -- this was totally down the road. obviously people influence your children when they're growing up. their coaches, piano teachers, sunday school teachers. yeah. a lot of people influence them and thank goodness they can have great mentors. but when it comes right down to it, do you agree with tony
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perkins that the parents actual lea are the most central people in a child's life? >> this idea of collectivism that everyone but no one is responsible. it's a nutty notion, gretchen, but it's a staple idea of the left. this is the 201 version of hillary clinton. we should be very concerned about howe the kids the down the street do because we all rise or fall based on how the next generation does. reality is, first off, children are not a commodity. they are a gift of the lord. they come to the parents. we have a responsibility as the parent to raise those children. >> steve: so what do you think about it? david from florida e-mailed us, where is the community when it comes to paying for my daughter's college tuition? i am sorry, but i and my wife are and have been responsible for our daughter's upbringing. >> brian: marsha would need a girl's voice. >> gretchen: here we go again from indiana. tony is right. children are born to a mom and dad and the responsibility for
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passing character and values rests with parents. yeah, and it's the good and the bad of it. it's not always easy raising kids and sometimes they don't turn out the way that you had hoped. but that's the reality of being parents. you do the best job you can. >> steve: when you're clicking around and you stop on msnbc, just remember, that's what they stand for. >> brian: my kids are going to say, hi, mom, hi dad. >> steve: hello l kilmeade. >> brian: college kids could be paying thousands of dollars more a year for student loans. guess who is going to benefit? the federal government. >> steve: and he's already the most amazing person in the game of golf. bubba watson outdid himself. why he was crying like a baby. the question that came before the tears. >> out of respect, honor [ kate ] many women may not be absorbing the calcium they take
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49.95 after rebates when you use the ford service credit card. did you tell him to say all of that? no, he's right though...
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[ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-arod thing... had made you play.
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and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. >> brian: high school seniors across the country decide where they're going to go to college this fall, money likely play ago major role in their decision. the amount of student loan debt in america has almost tripled from $346 billion in 2004 to $966 billion in 2012. that's not counting all the money peter doocy owes. starting july 1, some students will pay an extra $1,000 a year in interest for those loans. peter johnson, jr. has a problem with that. what's your problem? >> die have a problem. this is our future.
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my friend used to say, children are our future. so now we're going to jump the interest rate from 3.4% to 6.8%, up to 60% of college age americans get these loans. so they're going to get out of college and face this staggering burden, the debt that students owe in this country and former students is greater than the credit card debt. so are we going to go -- in fact, there is a study. by 2018, we'll be short about 3 million college educated americans in this country. so this program began as part of the defense and space race with russia, the soviet union. we said, we've got to better educate our students. so we subsidized crony capitalism and all these idiot energy companies and the president's friends. is he subsidize all these programs for people who don't want to work, so when we have ambitious, young, wonderful americans who want to make a
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success, we say, we're going to penalize you. you're going to pay the rest of your life! >> brian: the problem is a lot of the students aren't paying anything back. so the banks are saying, i don't want to make these loans. >> they shouldn't be discharged in bankruptcy. meaning they can't walk away from them. they are supposed to pay thebac. i got a young man in my office, in my law office, he's now been accept to do bunch of law schools, he's got a staggering college loan debt that he's still trying to pay off. he's got to pay a law school debt. he's supporting his mother and family at home. he's a great american. but he's going to come out of law school with $150,000 in debt! now, what do we do to insure that the next generation of americans have the same opportunity that you had, that i had, that my father had with the g.i. bill? it's not fair. we give away everything to people who aren't doing anything, but the people who want to work, the people who want to succeed, we're going to punish. so i think we've got to look
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carefully at this. going to 7% when the government is borrowing at .1 of 1%. >> brian: somebody is making a ton of money. >> they're making 36 cents on every dollar. >> brian: just so you know, it wasn't my idea, 'cause you're kind of yelling at me. but i understand your passion. we're okay? all right. >> we're good. >> brian: scared me little. >> don't spit on the chair. >> brian: thank you very much. straight ahead, their wings clipped, the blue angels now grounded. you guessed it. blame the sequester. how much money really is it to race some planes? plus, they were just born. jack hannah here live with news, we have more penguins in the world. we were running out [ male announcer ] when you're at the corner of "multivitamin" and "multiple choice,"
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>> steve: quick headlines. janna winter, the fox news reporter facing jail time will be headed back to court today in colorado. a judge delayed his ruling on whether she must testify about her exclusive story. her story revealed that before james holmes shot up that movie theater in aurora, colorado, he sent a package to a psychiatrist. the package included a notebook full of details about how holmes was planning to kill people. today we'll hear testimony from an officer who had contact with the notebook. and new york city where we're parked, agreeing to pay more than $350,000 to settle lawsuits by those occupy wall street protesters. they claim thousands of items were damaged or lost and never returned when police raided their spot right there, lower manhattan back in 2011. the display zaccati park area.
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>> gretchen: the columbus zoo is celebrating the arrival of three penguin chicks. >> brian: joining us is jack hannah, host of "jack hannah into the wild" and another show. how many penguins? two? >> i got two. this is a brand-new baby. this is the mother -- not the mother, but the mother now. you can see it black and white. look at the fur. see all the down? that will start disappearing very quickly. it was born on valentine's day. it's a humble penguin. there are only 10,000 left in the world. >> steve: tell us about the other ones. >> the other one is a black footed penguin from south africa. now it's full grown, black and white. they remember something. they're black and white for camouflage. a lot of times they locate each other by the smell. can you imagine locate -- they're monogamous.
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i'm serious. their poop is so thick, hardly smell anything. remember something, guano is a feces, it stacks up eight feet deep. a lot of times people collect it for their fertilizer. that's one of the reasons this animal is threatened. >> brian: if you're a penguin, is it easy to pick up your significant other on land or the sea? >> i'd rather do it in water. >> steve: of course. >> gretchen: he was asking about penguins. since we were talking about feces, let's move on to how they feed. i don't mean to gross anyone out, but these penguins do an interesting method of feeding the babies. >> yeah. they eat the fish, will bring it back and regurgitate it up in the mouth. open the mouth. you regurgitated before. the food comes out.
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that's how they feed. >> steve: there goes my pop tart. thank you very much. >> a lot of animals in nature do that. >> steve: they absolutely do. now, there is a reason that penguins don't fly. it's bird that doesn't fly and essentially it's because it's big boned, right? >> right. not only that, they have more feathers per square inch than any other bird. there are 17 pee sees of penguins and only five live in cold weather. you got peru, chile, australia, galapagos islands. a lot are warm weather penguins. this one is called jack ass penguin in africa. >> brian: you're not insulting it. that's the brand of penguin, right? but you're not mad at it? >> no, no. i'm not calling it a jack ass. he brays like a donkey. >> steve: they couldn't call it
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the mule. jack hannah, check -- >> i'll bring this in to see you. >> steve: we'd like that. >> gretchen: we've had other jack ass penguins on the show. >> brian: we lost one in london four years ago. >> steve: the blog still remind us. >> by the way, i want to thank fox because you're the first time we put all of our new equipment is here and you're the first satellite interview. you're the first one to hook up to our brand-new satellite. so is it working? >> gretchen: it's beautiful. >> brian: it was nice of to you plug the other networks. >> steve: just introduce these gals who are holding the penguins. >> oh, these are my friends here. this is mrs. penguin and mr. penguin. >> brian: thank you very much, jack. >> gretchen: thank you. >> steve: jack hannah. always a pleasure. thank you. all right. coming up, joel osteen, the victim of an elaborate hoax. moments ago the man behind it reveals why he did it. brand-new details straight
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ahead. >> gretchen: and no, your eyes aren't seeing things. those are the kilmeade brothers ready for prom. >> brian: no, that was christmas. we dressed up ready for prom. >> gretchen: please, don't make me do a correction on something that was in the teleprompter. there they are today! where the heck are the cumber buns? >> brian: they were rentals. ♪
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or a mower deck you just drive over and cut through knee-deep grass no problem? yep. we thought the same thing you did. that's why we build them this way. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or to see the new signature series and 1 family tractors.
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>> gretchen: fox news alert. all eyes on north korea today. the south has a warning now that a missile launch could happen at any minute. >> steve: joining us right now live from seoul, south korea, david piper. so far nothing. what's on the horizon? >> we got a few hours to go yet. we understand that north korea has fired one of these missiles before at nighttime. but only a couple of hours. the south korea did say that they actually warned that they could fire this missile today, but there is some kind of understanding now that could be stretched to the 15th where they mark the anniversary of the founder of south korea, who is the grandfather of the current
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leader, kim jong-un. also today, the u.s. and south korea has raised military alert levels here in the south. we understand they've increased surveillance and also they've beefed up south korean military patrols around key installations. also at this hour, the defenses around the region have been beefed up because of this possible missile launch. lot of patriot missiles protecting tokyo at this time. back to you guys. >> steve: all right. david piper live in seoul. thank you. >> gretchen: joel osteen, the victim of an elaborate hoax. moments ago the man behind it revealing why he did it. justin trouble from minnesota -- >> brian: again minnesota. >> gretchen: says he's a fan. he actually listens to osteen, but wants him to change his message and talk about more serious topics. that's why he set up the fake web site claiming osteen was giving up his faith and people printed it and thought it was true. >> brian: the legendary blue angels are grounded. the reason? sequestration.
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the navy canceled all performances at festivals and air shows across the country for the rest of the year. >> i'm disappointed as the whole team is. the blue angels are extremely important to recruiting. they inspire young men and women. i was inspired as a young boy when i saw the blue angels and inspired me to join the navy and pursue a career in naval aviation. >> brian: it will save 15 and $20 million. a reminder, our national debt is nearly $17 trillion. they usually fly over jones beach. i guess why are we even going to have a reason to look up. >> steve: after a fugitive ex cop went on a killing spree, we're hearing the call for help made by the couple he tied up. >> he may try to scream out for the deputies, please. [scream". >> right after leaving, he put pillow cases over our head. >> how long ago did he tie you up? >> like 15 minutes to 30
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minutes. >> steve: karen reynolds and her husband did manage to get away. dorner then barricaded himself inside of a cabin where he eventually took his own life. you saw that fire live here on fox. >> brian: he's already considered the most emotional person in the golf game. bubba watson added to that. watch this. he outdid himself yesterday. one year later after winning the masters last year, was asked about his victory at augusta, especially when he thought about his son and his green jacket. he loses it. >> i told him that i was going to go home and wrap caleb up in it. >> thanks, bubba. [ laughter ] that was the only thing at this this -- i did with it. >> brian: the watsons adopted caleb weeks before the masters. >> steve: meanwhile -- adorable. brothers and sisters, give your
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sibling a hug today because it is national sibling day. if you've never heard of it, that's okay. it's pretty new. >> gretchen: this morning we have another big surprise. brian's brothers are here. jim and steve kilmeade. good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> brian: did you even know there was a siblings day? >> as of yesterday, yes. [ laughter ] >> brian: that doesn't explain you didn't get me a gift. nor did i get you one. >> i didn't expect the irish mother. mother is not going to be happy about that. >> gretchen: she's italian. yeah. >> steve share the couch with brian three hours a day. what growing up happened in the life of brian kilmeade that we don't know about that we would find interesting? >> where do you start, steve? [ laughter ] >> gretchen: they're stubbed. >> brian wasn't that nice a guy growing up. >> brian: what? >> gretchen: all right, zinger number one! >> brian, you're fired. >> brian: thank you very much. i'm going to go to the trunk room where they seem to like me
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better. >> gretchen: did you guys -- you must have had tons of fights with boys. >> mostly jimmy and i fought and brian broke it up. >> brian: right. to be honest, it's true. we did not have a lot of -- jealousry or anything like that. that's me the little guy. my head has shrunk since that picture, by the way. i had surgery. [ laughter ] >> my ears are less pointy. >> i'm in the middle not because i'm second, but because those two would be fighting. [ laughter ] >> steve: was brian the peace maker? >> brian was the peace maker. >> he was. he wanted everything to be okay and everyone to be happy. >> steve: you know what? i have personally observed, he is like that to this day. >> brian: i do. right. when i'm not drunk. >> gretchen: oh, my! >> steve: it's before noon, we're good. >> gretchen: now the drinking story. do you have anything to add, brothers? >> not on that. [ laughter ]
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>> brian: something in the green room. for christmas, we used to try to do a different theme. one year we thought we'd rent tuxes. that picture stuck with us. >> gretchen: who is posing at the top? >> brian: the year prior to that was santa clauses. >> steve: what's great about that picture is brian is in the middle, right? >> yes. >> steve: and brian has his elbow on his brother. that's something you do to this day. >> brian: i've never grown up. between the three of us, the one thing about it, people have rivalries. >> steve: you should sit between your brothers. >> brian: what were you thinking? the swedish guy sitting next to them. >> there we go. >> gretchen: did he ever -- when he sits next to me, he often does this. >> we all do that. >> brian: we have severe irish affection issues. [ laughter ] >> gretchen: why? are you saying that irish people are not affectionate?
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>> not in our family. >> brian: right. but i will say this, there has never been a rivalry, right? >> no. >> brian: we have always pulled for each other. jim is the nice one, with the great personality. he's building hopefully getting a stadium going at belmont with the cosmos. and steven is the most uniquecally talented person you'll ever meet in your life. he can build a house from scratch. >> steve: he's the mcguyer of mass mass polka. >> brian: i cannot work an on/off switch. >> steve: we just put autopsy picture of you boys with your mom. i believe that was the last picture. she's watching right now, isn't she? >> there is a lot of choices on cable. [ laughter ] >> brian: she loves to flip around. she loves "good morning america" with that big cast. my mom is the best.
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my dad passed away when i was in ninth grade and he was in 7th grade, jim was in 12th grade. we became a tight unit. >> steve: and boys, it's really nice that you could all join us here on national sibling day. >> brian: here is the bad news about doing the show at 8:30, there is almost nothing left at the buffet. [ laughter ] pretty much we wiped everything out. if you were here for a free breakfast, you're out of luck! >> gretchen: let me tell the truth. brian usually has his debit card out to buy people starbucks every morning. so if you would like to get a starbucks or something like that, he could put out his debit card for you right now. >> steve: brian puts it out. >> brian: there you go, you got what you wanted. thank you for coming in. when you own your own business, you can not stick around! he doesn't have time for this! he's busy. come on, steve! it's not like you with your
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cushy tv job. >> steve: complaining about the catering. [ laughter ] >> steve: straight ahead, are you tired of being nickeled and dimed -- >> brian: steve, relax, by the way. >> steve: stick around. sir richard branson doing the opposite. his airline just ranked number one in the country. >> gretchen: a childhood favorite now on broadway, anna kooiman has her back stage pass to "annie." >> brian: she's holding the dog. >> gretchen: that's sandy. max and penny keptur bookstore
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as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. before the three- and four-star ratings... before local farmers and employees became secret ingredients... before rock star chefs were playing to packed houses every night... two restaurateurs sat down with our banker and transformed some chicago neighborhoods into culinary meccas.
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that's the power of connecting a vision into a recipe for success. that's bank of america. >> steve: a childhood favorite back on broadway, anna kooiman has your back stage pass to passion annie." check it out. ♪ . >> the little orphan that told you the sun would come out tomorrow and reminded you that you're never fully dressed without a smile is back on broadway. we're taking you behind the scenes of "annie" for the 35th an verse production. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love you tomorrow ♪ ♪ you're always a day away ♪ . >> annie is an orphan and the dog she befriends, a stray. the dog playing sandy was saved from a shelter. >> i've always wondered what a doggy dressing room would be like and here is sandy's.
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12-year-old lila crawford is playing annie. >> how is your day? [bark] >> it is one of my favorites to work with the dog. i mean, every night it's a different show. >> what i want you to do, stay. you're going to say here, boy, here, sandy. then you're going to say here, boy, here, sandy and slap your thighs and she'll run up and jump upon. >> come here, sandy. come here boy. oh! that was so good. >> we're back stage. look, it's daddy warbucks' overcoat. let's see what else we can find. here we are with the orphans. can you show me one dance move or one something that you do? what would be easy that i could do? ♪
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>> smile. >> you guys are great. you're never fully dressed without a smile. it debuted in the 1970s and audiences are really enjoying this revival, originally, they won seven tonies. we'll see what happens with this one. >> steve: that's great. anna kooiman looking back toward broadway where breakfast at tiffany's is opening. thank you very much. >> gretchen: next up, tired of being nickeled and dimed when you fly? stick around. richard branson on doing the exact opposite with his airline. >> brian: i wonder if he can hear me. >> brian: martha mccal column for -- mccallum for what's counsel her show. >> good morning, everybody.
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great meeting all your brothers and sisters this morning. after all these years, immigration deal that could come by friday? really? changman chaffetz. and what has been done so far to get the pastor out of a jail in iran. and the big party at the white house raising eyebrows, coming up at the top of the hour k9 aantix ii not only kills fleas and ticks, it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick tt isn't repeed or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! bikes and balloons, and noodles on spoons.
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a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's. a wand, some wings, soup with good things. sidewalks and doodles and wholesome noodles. puddles and pails and yes, puppy dog tails. for a lunch like this, there's a hug and a kiss. because that's what happy kids are made of. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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new airline rankings are out. the findings were based on things like punctuality, baggage loss and customer complaints. rounding out the bottom of the list were sky west, express jet and united. those soaring to the top of the list were air tran, jetblue, and virgin america.
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>> steve: virgin america. gee, that sounds familiar. wasn't it started by that man right there? sir richard branson is the founder of the virgin group, the best airline in the sky. good morning to you. >> thank you very much. >> steve: how do you do it? >> well, we've had a few years of experience, so we set up virgin atlantic 30 years ago and the only way we could compete with british airways was try to create the funnest, best airline flying in the sky. >> steve: it is fun. i've been on both of them. >> thank you. we did the same with virgin in australia and now we're trying to do the same in america with virgin america. and we've got a fantastic team of people, great chief executive in david kush. they're getting out there and delivering. >> steve: that's great. >> gretchen: you're going to be starting new service. but first we want to hear what your success secrets are starting with you don't think of work as work and play as play. it's all living combined? >> i'm very lucky.
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i have an absolute blast. i believe that work should be fun. i think too many company bosses treat work too seriously. most of our time we spend at work, so it's very important that we try to make work enjoyable. we try to go into venture which is are fun adventures. we love to take on the big guys and shake up industries and the people who work for us enjoy working for that reason. >> steve: you are in fun businesses. i don't see the virgin coal mine anywhere. one of your other tips to success is engage your emotions at work, your instincts and emotions are there to help you. so you got to listen to that little voice in your head, don't you? >> yes. i think, equally, as an individual, you got to treat people extremely well and i think if you look for the best in people, you'll get the best back. i think for a leader, that's
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particularly important. >> gretchen: very important. you shouldn't blindly accept a leader's advice. you've got to question leaders on occasion. >> yeah. i think a good leader should be listening anyway. and then making a decision, having listened. i think too many leaders have made up their mind and they're not good listeners and, therefore, the best ideas go puff. >> steve: was it a good idea to make a bet with a guy who ran another airline that if you lost, you would have to dress as a female flight attendant because you lost the bet and now you got to do that. >> well, it was motor racing in the grand prix and i was sure our car would beat him. i thought he would look fetch not dress. >> gretchen: how are your legs, 'cause you're about to be a flight attendant. >> legs will have to be properly shaved for the occasion. >> gretchen: shaved? she's a headline. >> if i'm going to be a flight attendant. >> steve: we're delighted that the airport that i fly out of,
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newark, you're starting service there. you'll start flying nonstop to san francisco and los angeles. >> yeah. we're taking on united, who have dominated that airport. since we've announced we're flying, they've doubled the number of flights and to get prices to come down 40%. so i think everybody will benefit now that virgin america is finally on those routes. we look forward to giving them a run for their money. >> gretchen: it's called competition. >> it is called competition. and i think as you noticed, united were the last in that list. virgin was number one in the list. people should know which airline to fly. >> steve: be careful when you're a flight attendant in the next month or two. you're up at the top. you don't -- >> ruin it for the rest of our flight attendants. >> steve: thank n you what do you drive? i have a ford explorer, i love my car.
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